Throughout our businesses from our restaurant to our wholesale supply we aim to buy only Sustainably and Responsibly caught fish. 

Devonly Fish is committed to responsible sourcing throughout our supply chain.

One of Devonly Fishs primary aims is to help ensure a sustainable, socially responsible future for the UK seafood industry. In both responsible methods and ensuring we use British fishermen to protect their future and sustainability. 

Our commitment involves buying from the right boats to protect resources, fish stocks and ecosystems. This starts of by buying local to minimise food miles – most of our fish comes from boats landing within 15 miles of us! From Teignmouth to Brixham we buy as much as we can from small independent fleets.

We don’t buy from the big North Sea factory boats – many North Sea factory boats are able to claim sustainability, this is because they are fishing for a product that is abundant in supply. What they cannot claim is responsibility, these boats have a tendency of catching everything in its path and damaging the sea beds.

The method means the catch a lot of fish and can offer a cheap price but the damage they can do to other species and their environment means that in the future we will see declines in numbers. 

Devonly Fish buy from smaller family run boats, these smaller boats rely on fishing knowledge passed down through the family, They work on smaller quotas and fish responsibly, catching only what they need.